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Preventing The Arrival Of Stink Bugs In Your Home

12 Aug, 2016 / by admin

Preventing The Arrival Of Stink Bugs In Your Home

Have you noticed an unpleasant smell in your home? Homeowners are discovering the smell of a particular unwanted pest, the stink bug. You may find these stink bugs everywhere in your house – in the kitchen, behind the curtain, in a drawer and you suspect there are more of these stink bugs in places that you could not see or seldom do.


Facts About Stink Bugs and Unwanted Pests


Stink bugs and unwanted pests are roughly the size of a pumpkin seed. They have wings, six legs, antenna and have a variety of color but most have a mottled brown color with a shield-like back.

Stink bugs eat crops, fruits and vegetables such as soybeans, peaches, tomatoes ruining the products and making it impossible to sell. They don’t hurt humans, however they can cause damage to plants and crops.

These unwanted pests give off a stinky odor through their thorax when they are threatened, crushed or killed.

Stink bugs and other unwanted pests primarily feed on a wide range of fruits and vegetables. But there are a few types that can also be helpful as they attack other unwanted pests and eat larvae of beetles and caterpillars who are pests to farmers.

Stink bugs and unwanted pests go into hibernation during the winter seasons but during the springtime they come out of hibernation. These bugs sleep in order to survive the harsh winter weather conditions and are known to survive for up to a year in warm climates.


How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs


Begin by eliminating stink bugs indoors to prevent them from entering in the fall. You may start by replacing outdoor lighting. If you switch on the outside light every night, then you need to be warned as unwanted pests are attracted to bright light and heat. Having your light switch-on will get a lot of attention from these unwanted pests and they will arrive in groups to your doorstep.

If for any reason you need to turn on lights outside your house, change them to something that is not so bright, for example a yellow bulb. In the meantime, seal off any cracks or opening around the windows and doors to prevent unwanted pests and bugs from entering your house. Stink bugs are small insects and can gain access to your home in very small gaps or openings.

You may be asking yourself…What is my next course of action for pest control to eliminate stink bugs, ants, termites and other unwanted pests? Well, your worries are over. Contact Gotta Bug Call Doug for pest control to help you implement an individualized treatment plan for your home.